
What is Anglicanism?

This Anglican think tank blog presents articles and conversations addressing what it means to be Anglican. At the core, Anglicanism is Trinitarian Christianity. And, Anglicanism can be described by How we Study, How we Worship, and How we Grow. Thus, "ATLAS" concerns Theology, Liturgy, and Spiritual formation.

Britian has some of the earliest evidence of Christian art. This 4th century lead tank from Suffolk includes the ancient Chi-Rho and Alpha-Omega symbols. It was probably designed to hold water at a church. The grounds also included a cemetery, which may explain the reverse order Omega-Alpha.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Formational Prayer Resource by the Rev. V. Balius

The Rev. Balius is finishing the DMin degree through Ashland Theological Seminary, and this is part of the final project.  It is a resource for pastors, for those who offer healing prayers for others, for those who offer spiritual direction to others, and for all who seek to press on in their life in Christ.  Its primary focus is how you can deepen your union with God and experience His love and presence more fully.  Feel free to use short excerpts with proper citation. To duplicate larger sections or the entire resource, contact the author for permission.
